0,00 €

Tickets Faunia


Only tickets

Hotel + Tickets

Train + Tickets

Train + Hotel + Tickets

Are you more than 10 people? Ask for your group price here!

See one-way train prices

Tickets Faunia Madrid 2023

Are you tired of always doing the same things with children in Madrid? Faunia Madrid is a place that will never tire you, and neither will they. So, why don't you go ahead and buy some tickets for this weekend?

Faunia is a zoological park with more than 3,000 animals of 300 different species, spread over 14 hectares, with 4 of the most extraordinary ecosystems in the world such as the Amazon Jungle and the South Pole and 17 themed areas, where you can learn about and enjoy the different species that live in the Park just a few centimetres away.

You'll love explaining to your children why penguins live among the ice and why the toucan enjoys the water from the storms that occur in Faunia! Yes, storms! Every now and then there are downpours and the jungle starts to roar as if they were on the other side of the planet.

Don't miss the opportunity to see extraordinary creatures such as manatees and crocodiles, or to interact with the fur seals, exotic birds, squirrel monkeys (Saimiris) and even lemurs that you will find throughout your experience at Faunia and enjoy a great day discovering new experiences.

Take advantage of our offers and save money by booking our packs with train and hotel! Come and visit Faunia Madrid!

You can check Faunia's opening hours here

Faunia Faunia Faunia

Frequently asked questions about Faunia





Information on the purchase of Faunia

Train + Tickets
Hotel + Tickets
Train + Hotel + Tickets

Train + Faunia

What does it include?

Return train ticket from the chosen origin and timetable to Madrid
Tickets for the park. You can choose date and price

How does it work?

Simply print out the train tickets and tickets that will be sent to your email after purchase to board the train and enter the park.

Articles related to Faunia

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