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AVE Train offers from Alicante to Madrid

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From Alicante to Madrid in AVE

From the Alicante - Terminal station, it only takes a little more than 2 hours to reach the capital of Spain, and disconnect from the first minute of the stress you have in the car, thus saving road or airport fatigue. In addition to the fact that train tickets to Madrid are usually cheaper than airline tickets, keep in mind that there are fewer direct flights to Madrid per day than train services, since they have approximately 10 AVE trains that leave Alicante - Madrid every day.

Why not visit the vicinity of Atocha?, It is one of the benefits that traveling by train offers you, the speed of travel that allows you to enjoy the atmosphere of the capital in just a little over 2 hours. A 15-minute walk away, you can enjoy the Reina Sofía museum, the art walk, the Casa Encendida exhibition, the Circo Price theater and the most traditional food in the Barrio de las Letras.

If you need more information, see the frequently asked questions below.

Cheapest Train times Alicante - Madrid

09:50 12:15 19,90€
14:43 17:10 19,90€

Other AVE schedules Alicante - Madrid

06:15 08:45 39,80€
08:40 11:10 39,80€
10:35 13:20 57,80€
12:40 15:10 23,20€
15:50 18:20 23,20€
18:10 20:25 23,20€
20:15 22:46 19,90€

Important information about the train from Alicante to Madrid

Distance: 359km

Origin station: Alicante-Terminal

Companies: Renfe

Frequency: 9 daily trains

Destination station: Madrid Atocha

Train + Tickets offers in Madrid

Frequently asked questions about the train Alicante-Madrid

What kind of train goes from Alicante to Madrid?

The types of trains that go from Alicante to Madrid that you can take are the Renfe trains: AVE and Alvia from Alicante to Madrid Atocha. Please note that the route of these trains is not usually a direct route, so it is recommended that you check the ticket carefully if you need to change trains when looking for the ticket.

Price AVE Alicante - Madrid. When is best to buy the ticket?

The average price of AVE Alicante Madrid is 80.31 €. Booking a month in advance is the best option to buy the Alicante Madrid economy class ticket, since you can get it cheaper from 22.70 €. Now you do buy it the same day, the average rate is 80.31 €.

Renfe also allows you to enjoy discounts and other benefits if you buy them in advance of a month. It is time to plan and save us some euros. Also, as much as possible, try to avoid buying tickets during peak hours, from 7:05 to 10:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00.

How long takes AVE Alicante to Madrid?

The AVE with Alicante to Madrid route covers 359 kilometers in approximately 2 hours and 31 minutes. There are also slower trains that will take you to the destination in 3 hours and 03 minutes.

What is the schedule for the AVE Alicante - Madrid?

AVE schedules Alicante Madrid from Monday to Saturday, leave Alicante around 07:05 a.m., while the last train leaves around 08:10 p.m. On Sundays, the first train from Alicante usually leaves at around 09:40 a.m. and the last train leaves at 09:18 p.m.

Remember, Renfe can modify them according to the dates and requirements of existing tickets. We provide you with the departure and arrival times of AVE Alicante Madrid to ensure that you are not surprised. If you are considering a reverse route, you can also check the AVE schedule Madrid Alicante. Always prepare your AVE schedule.

How much is the average cost of the Alicante - Madrid ticket?

The average ticket price from Alicante to Madrid is around 80.31 €, but the minimum fare can be 22.70 €. It all depends on the train, journey time, discounts, promotions, even for buying the ticket one month in advance.

What time departs the first train from Alicante to Madrid?

The first train to leave the route between Alicante and Madrid is the AVE and departs from Alicante at 07:05 a.m. and arrives in Madrid at 09:42 a.m. The trip lasts 2 hours and 37 minutes.

On Sundays the first train to leave Alicante is the AVE and leaves at 09:40 a.m. and arrives in Madrid at 12:11 a.m., the journey to Madrid takes 2 hours and 31 minutes.

There are also other types of trains that leave on this route: Renfe Alvia.

What time departs the last train from Alicante to Madrid?

The last train between Alicante - Madrid is the AVE and it departs from Alicante at 08:10 p.m. and arrives in Madrid at 11:47 p.m. The trip lasts 2 hours and 37 minutes.

On Sundays the last train to leave Alicante is the AVE and leaves at 09:18 p.m. and arrives in Madrid at 11:34 p.m., the journey to Madrid takes 2 hours and 31 minutes. Be careful and always check the schedule.

There are also other types of trains that leave on this route: Renfe Alvia.

What is the distance on train from Alicante to Madrid?

The train distance on the Alicante to Madrid route is 359 kilometers traveled on this trip.

Are there direct trains from Alicante to Madrid?

Yes, you can travel from Alicante to Madrid without having to change trains. There are 7 direct trains from Alicante to Madrid every day. Depending on the time and date of the trip, there may be fewer direct trains than on certain days.

How long takes the fastest train from Alicante to reach Madrid?

AVE high speed between Alicante Madrid takes just 2 hours and 31 minutes on the direct service, to travel by train. There are also other types of trains that are: Renfe Alvia.

Other trains from Alicante

The price includes:
- Roundtrip train from #fechaida# to #fechavuelta#, from #origen# to #destino#
- 1 night in a 3-star hotel
(Price per person calculated based on a double room in a 3-star hotel)
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