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Madrid to Toledo Train Tickets Online

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From Madrid to Toledo in AVE

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Thanks to Renfe’s high speed train Avant, there is less and less people travelling from Madrid to Toledo by car. Although both cities are only 59 kilometers apart, the usual traffic jams in the A-42 road and the lack of parking dedicated areas between Madrid and Toledo are the reasons this journey taking longer than one hour. But, Renfe's Avant train covers the same distance in only 33 minutes.

Cheapest Train times Madrid - Toledo

06:55 07:28 13,90€
07:50 08:23 13,90€

Other AVE schedules Madrid - Toledo

08:50 09:23 13,90€
09:20 09:53 13,90€
10:20 10:52 13,90€
11:20 11:53 13,90€
12:20 12:53 13,90€
13:50 14:23 13,90€
18:50 19:23 13,90€
20:50 21:23 13,90€

Important information about the train from Madrid to Toledo

Distance: 59km

Origin station: Madrid Atocha

Companies: Renfe

Frequency: 10 daily trains

Destination station: Toledo

AVE Train Offers + Tickets in Madrid

Frequently asked questions about the train Madrid-Toledo

What kind of train goes to Toledo from Madrid?

The types of trains that go from Madrid to Toledo that you can take are the Renfe's Avant trains. In this case, all the trains are direct, no transbordation or scales.

AVE Madrid - Toledo price. When should I buy the ticket?

The average price of the train from Madrid to Toledo is 16,43 €. Booking the ticket a month in advance is the best option to acquire the tourist class ticket from Madrid to Toledo, since you can get it cheaper than 12,39 €. However, if you are buying the ticket the same date of the trip the average price is 16,43 €.

How long does it take for the AVANT to reach Toledo?

The train from Madrid to Toledo covers 59 kilometers in about 33 minutes.

Which are the schedules for the AVANT Madrid - Toledo?

The schedules for the train from Madrid to Toledo, Monday to Friday: the trains depart Madrid about 10:20 h, while the last train departs about the 19:50 h. In the weekends, the first train generally departs about the 8:50 h and the last does so at 19:50 h.

What is the average ticket price for the train Madrid - Toledo?

The average ticket price from Madrid to Toledo is about 16,43 €, but the minimum fee can be about 12,39 €. It all depends on the train, time of the trip, discounts, promotions and even for buying the ticket over a month in advance.

What time does the first train from Madrid to Toledo leaves?

The first train from Madrid to Toledo is the AVANT and departs Madrid at 10:20 h and arrives in Toledo at 10:52 h. This trip takes 33 minutes.

What time does the last train from Madrid to Toledo departs?

The last train between Madrid and Toledo is the AVANT and it departs Madrid at 19:50 h and arrives in toledo at 20:23 h. The trip trakes 33 minutes.

What is the distance in train between Madrid and Toledo?

The distance by train from Madrid to Toledo are the 59 kilometers covered by the train in this journey.

Are there direct trains from Madrid to Toledo?

Yes, you can travel from Madrid to Toledo without having to switch trains. There are 6 direct daily trains from Madrid to Toledo. Depending on the time and date of the trip, there might be fewer options than other days.

How long does the fastest train from Madrid to Toledo take?

The AVANT high speed connecting Madrid and Toledo takes 33 minutes.

Other trains from Madrid

El precio incluye:
- Tren ida y vuelta del #fechaida# al #fechavuelta#, desde #origen# hasta #destino#
- 1 noche de hotel 3 estrellas
(Precio por persona calculado en base a una habitación doble en un hotel de 3 estrellas)
La estacion de origen que tenía seleccionada es igual que la estacion de destino actual, por favor cambie la estación de origen. No hay disponibilidad de plazas para la combinación seleccionada, por favor modifique su selección para proceder con su compra.

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